Elmiron Torts Attorneys in Tampa, FL
Stallworth Law, P.A. Aims Gets Justice for Victims Affected by Elmiron
Elmiron is the only FDA-approved drug to treat interstitial cystitis (IC) or “painful bladder syndrome.” Many people (mostly women) relied on this drug to ease their excruciating pain and suffered vision loss as a result.
In 2018, researchers linked Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium, PPS) to retinal damage and toxicity. More specifically, doctors discovered a group of women with unusual changes in their macula (the part of the retina responsible for clear central vision) and realized Elmiron toxicity was linked to maculopathy, a serious eye disease that could lead to vision loss.
To make matters worse, the symptoms of toxic maculopathy mirror other eye diseases and vision problems, and the more Elmiron someone takes, the worse the condition can get.
If you take Elmiron, get an annual retinal exam and monitor your vision closely. If you begin to experience difficulty reading, especially in dim light, or worsened central vision, stop taking Elmiron and call one of our attorneys as soon as possible.
If you have experiences loss of vision due to using this product, contact our mass tort attorneys today at (813) 851-2286 to learn more.
A Track Record of Success
$5 Million Premises Liability
$1.7 Million Wrongful Death
$1.5 Million NFL Concussion
$1 Million Truck Accident
Pay Nothing Unless We Recover Compensation
Our firm works on a contingency fee basis. What this means is that we give you the opportunity to work with an aggressive and experienced attorney without paying any upfront fees for your case. In fact, you won't pay anything unless we successfully recover a settlement or judgment on your behalf.
Our personal injury lawyers in Tampa, FL believe strongly that you have suffered enough. If you come to work with us, we won't treat you as just another case, but will instead work tirelessly to ensure that we are offering you personalized solutions that are best suited for your individual situation. You won't be treated as if you are being run through a legal machine, but instead will be given the attention that you deserve as a unique client.